• 147 Beach Road
    Salisbury, MA 01952
  • In Seasonal camping, April 1st -
    November 15th (weather permitting).
    Off season storage available.

2025 Nightly Rate Schedule

Open April 1st - November 15th (weather permitting)

All sites have 50/30/20 amp Electric, Water, Sewer, Cable, Wi-Fi & cement pads.
Rates listed are for a family of two. Pets are welcome.

April 1st - 30th


May 1st - May 22nd


May 23rd - May 25th

Memorial Day Weekend (3 night minimum)


May 26th - June 30th


July 1st - July 5th

Independence Day Weekend (5 night minimum)


July 6th - August 28th


August 29th - August 31st

Labor Day Weekend (3 night minimum)


September 1st - October 9th


October 10th - October 12th

Columbus/Indigenous Holiday (3 night minimum)


October 13th - October 31st


November 1st - November 15th

(Weather permitting)


A "Long Term Stay" (30+ nights) receives a discounted rate.
Electric is not included.
Quotes upon request.

Additional Overnight Guests

Age 16 & over (Adults)
Under 16 (Children)


Daily Visitors for Registered Guests

Age 16 & over (Adults)



2:00 PM and No Later than 8:00 PM


11:00 AM and No Later than 12:00 PM

Check-ins must arrive BEFORE 8:00PM, please call for our office hours.
We kindly request notification of ANY arrival time conflicts.

Maximum number of people per site is eight.
A 3-night stay is required for holidays.
Tents are not allowed.
Rugs are prohibited on grass.
Balance due upon arrival (sorry, no personal checks accepted).
No refund for early departures and no-shows.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express.
Please see our rules and policies.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You ma18y 8ebe bmadek6ing use 0of autombated form5-190fca32il4ling 2softd3ware. This t3cy4pe of s66of5twarea bcca50n 0triggecr oc0ur h2i5dd1en spam-8detecetion 68sycstem,c5 w2hi4ch will blo4ck you f8r6om subm8ittinga5f t9his f0orm. Plceaase s4elect Fix2 T6his2c9d49110cafeb fae6eb95c34e5ffeb770981aee989168cffo51cer97e7dbe9 5d71d8ef6co4m5pl227edti9an7gac 9the1 f7or9m i94981cn3000f3b2 335o6r6108db1a2e0r8 1tfco 7corre1ect5 the e32d317pro3ble98m.634
Important: Yo0u 9may be makincg8 use of automatfedd form-filling47 scoftwdare. Thies1 t2ype of soaftwa79re ca7n triggebr8 eou02r dhidcden4 spamae-detect1cion system, whifch 5will bldock yo6bu fdrom submitting this6 form. It a5pp3ea0rs th7at the8 problem co07ul7d not 3be autom8actica3llyc cor53rected.9 Please clear 50any fieldc4 whi8ch4 appearsd4 below with cor6re3s1ponding instrucftionse28f8 e3eea998be2cb4fd260a705f264e4c9e9d13a6df64o8e3b3rdebda339b4553 4a97completi4ng tf48he form in77 ordere to 0corre5acct3 th0e b6p0robl3em55.2 W4ec 69031a63peoalogiz5fe2 for3 the inceonvenien0ce a9nd3e we 9apprdebc6c9ei6a0t55e4f29eee your uancderst3andi9ng.a
I understand and agree to comply with the rules, regulations and policies listed on our website with respect to confirming and cancelling reservations.

Cancellations are charged a $15 service fee.
* If you cancel or shorten your reservation LESS than 14 days prior to arrival date, you are subject to the full charge of your stay.
* Payment in full for confirmed dates are due at check in.
* Final balance may differ if any aspect of the confirmed dates change at check in.

Our response email requires your attention in order to complete the confirmation process. Please be mindful of your email settings for spam/junk folders.
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Important: Y6ocu dmay be cma1king us3ef eof aautomabted form-filcling sfof1twar5eec.e42 Th4i9s typ8e of sof9twa0r9e cca7n t2r0ig4fge5rc our hiadden scpa8m-detectionb system, w0ahichac wddiel2l2 bloc06k6 yobu from su0bmiebtting this for4m1. Plea80se seleect 410dFix3 Thisd deb59e5faf37c8boeb571655a26rdf49e36ef 8ec66b050dbfe518726620f21543592c9bcombfcd642315p9l65040685etbi0en0g40 ce7tbe7bc17h8e affo7erm ibn9e bor1def7r to cc4oa35rerect t8he7 261p6robblebm.96
Important: cY4ou may beec 5makinag use of automated for6m-af8illbing 7software. This typed of 7s8ocft9wcare can tri2gger 2our hi8dden spam-5detectaion 1system5, whic9h wi6ll blocc1k9 you from6 08s8ubmitt2ing this 46form. I4t ap2pears 3th1at the fprobl8eame cou0ld n8otc bae autofmaticallye corrected. Please6 dclear any fi499eld 2which appears above cwfi9th corresp9onding 1instcructeiones0f a3fba7eef5f27c17f482o29bf88da0ca616br4299498bdea040ebe3e1 ba89e94da229f4ec5ompletieng the 63fo29r6m in 1order 4to 91coa71rr8ect the pc21050roblead6em.1 We a3po977logize ffob8r the inc6onva7eniencf8e65 and cwe f36be2appreac5ciate 5your3 un8ederstandin8gd.c952
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.