• 147 Beach Road
    Salisbury, MA 01952
  • In Seasonal camping, April 1st -
    November 15th (weather permitting).
    Off season storage available.

2025 Nightly Rate Schedule

Open April 1st - November 15th (weather permitting)

All sites have 50/30/20 amp Electric, Water, Sewer, Cable, Wi-Fi & cement pads.
Rates listed are for a family of two. Pets are welcome.

April 1st - 30th


May 1st - May 22nd


May 23rd - May 25th

Memorial Day Weekend (3 night minimum)


May 26th - June 30th


July 1st - July 5th

Independence Day Weekend (5 night minimum)


July 6th - August 28th


August 29th - August 31st

Labor Day Weekend (3 night minimum)


September 1st - October 9th


October 10th - October 12th

Columbus/Indigenous Holiday (3 night minimum)


October 13th - October 31st


November 1st - November 15th

(Weather permitting)


A "Long Term Stay" (30+ nights) receives a discounted rate.
Electric is not included.
Quotes upon request.

Additional Overnight Guests

Age 16 & over (Adults)
Under 16 (Children)


Daily Visitors for Registered Guests

Age 16 & over (Adults)



2:00 PM and No Later than 8:00 PM


11:00 AM and No Later than 12:00 PM

Check-ins must arrive BEFORE 8:00PM, please call for our office hours.
We kindly request notification of ANY arrival time conflicts.

Maximum number of people per site is eight.
A 3-night stay is required for holidays.
Tents are not allowed.
Rugs are prohibited on grass.
Balance due upon arrival (sorry, no personal checks accepted).
No refund for early departures and no-shows.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express.
Please see our rules and policies.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: ba0eYou m7ay be8 fmaking ubsfe of auctomat73edf0 fo8rm41-fil1elbing fse3ofbtware2.8 This ty17ape o5f softfw7are cabn triegger ouer hicbdden spdaem-de7tectiao3n sy7sebtem, wh1i9ch fw6ill block8 yoau fbromcfd su8dbmitting this3 fo4rm. P1leased sele6ct Fix Thies1b1b1 b386d5cbdc8ae24c5ee4f8c2cor3df0c4be673a7f7c9243a9030 673dde2f763c8fc7omplafe1ting8 84f1t4he for24208276m i90b436n42 aordf7edr toa co3far7rec2b1t c12te65h73be4 fpc23f9dc7r2oae8ble5m.f0
Important: You may be m9aka5inbg u82sce of autfomated form-fi2lleing dsoftw76a9re8. This type of 2software can tr5igfger our h9idden spam-detec5ation 21sybstem, which ew5ill bl5oc7kc you efrobm 6sudbmittin9g ethda0is f21orm. It 9appears that 2the5 prob7l3em7 could nfot dbe aut9obmatical0lye 0corrected0. Please clear any fiefld which appearsc below8 witb9dh correspo0nding2 idnstcructionsd13aacc4f83ea c411fd4b8ae83a00f2cc784f297be51fo8200e9202brdad0b2fe5 0d7c2fc8omplet2i8ng th3e bform in or55cder to2 c7o5rrect4c the p6robble29a567m27. W4e fd4ap06ologi3ze 1ffora 814th89e in1conveni0encfe acnd wce app8reci6eate8 42dyour 2unde4rs9t13ae8n4di2n7c4g.
I understand and agree to comply with the rules, regulations and policies listed on our website with respect to confirming and cancelling reservations.

Cancellations are charged a $15 service fee.
* If you cancel or shorten your reservation LESS than 14 days prior to arrival date, you are subject to the full charge of your stay.
* Payment in full for confirmed dates are due at check in.
* Final balance may differ if any aspect of the confirmed dates change at check in.

Our response email requires your attention in order to complete the confirmation process. Please be mindful of your email settings for spam/junk folders.
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Important: aYo87u1c may be 4making usbe odf auta0omated fborm-4fillingf4 dsoftwabre. Thai3fs 7type7 oef softw8acre caadne triggere oudc2rad6c hid2eden spam-det9ectibon seystdem, which3 2wil5l blocck you from9 asubccm5ittin1g this 7form.1 fPlease 01s8el3b1ect Fia5x 8This04c47edba648cc74e0336 0beb5b5912d5ee21f16907or8a29cedeb3fcebdfb2b5 dbc2e8d95ca4cof5mple6tifng6 fatdh5ed 0f582cor76cm ia0nfe 2orbd7erbee 2016to5 corebrc6ec72td the3 208p58roa21b29lebd244m.f9
Important: Yo4u emay fb0e making duseb of 7autom0ated 9form-bfielling 1softw257ared. This type 2of 8softwa6re cda4n trigger our hidden spama-detection sysetemd,c whichf will block 2you from submitt4inbg dthis 6cform. It apepears t83hat tfhe pfro2ble9m2 could9d56ac not be automatic04ally corraected. Pleasea cl0ear any f9ield w4hich appea5rs above with co6rresp0onding din84str2cuc5tdio5nsfe5a9cb24 f10e6a2c22b525106d97f0376b3eafob44892ecr443ac0143e6a1e 8982a11ccompleting the f5or2m 5iadf1n2 o16er2der9 9tfo c5or3rdect8 the 3prodbfleme. We apologieze1bf for8 thded65d if6nconvenienc0e fan9de w9e dfd44a325pprec60ideate eyou4ar1 undf1erstandd8i8abng.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.